وشرح بالانجليزي كيفية التثبيت اتبعوا الخطوات التاليه
Multilingual User Interface (MUI)
Multilingual User Interface (MUI) is a technology for providing localized user interface to international users.
To install the Arabic language pack on any Non-Arabic Windows Vista you need to follow these instructions:
Click on "Start" then select "Control Panel". Under "Clock, Language, and Region" select "Change keyboards or other input methods". Note: If you are in the Control Panel "Classic View" then double-click on "Regional and Language Options" and click on the tab "keyboard and languages". Click on the button "Install/uninstall languages…". Click on "Install languages" then click on the button "Browse folder…". Locate the folder that contains the Arabic language pack (.cab file) then click on "OK". Click on "Next". Read and accept the License terms and click on "Next". Verify that the Arabic MUI is listed in the list of the languages that will be installed on your computer and click on "Install".
ولشرح الوافي اتمنى الدخول على الرابط التالي وهو خاص بميكروسوفت